Tuesday, October 26, 2010

It's Tuesday...What's your story?

I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means - except by getting off his back. 

- Leo Tolstoy 

The struggle for our imagination has become a matter of life and death. Our world hangs in the balance of our ideas. the pendulum swinging slow, signs that we are losing our breath.

So, what’s your story....

My grandmother
Would spell to me
Every time I misbehaved
Or would sing to me at work
Whether or not 
she was having a good day
Spelling Bee
Worker Bee
The diet was always honey 
So life was sweet either way
She would bake cakes 
Into animal shapes 
To celebrate 
the day I was born
Or decorate 
my slacks 
W/ switches 
from a tree out back
When me and my mates
Were out late...
playing soccer for way too long

And this was my 1st slice of Heaven.

If this is what they call the 3rd World, there's something funny about this dish, bring me back a New World Order. Cause nothing looks good on a menu, where Kings are turned into sheep for the slaughter.  

And though God has always had a most interesting sense of humor, there is nothing funny about this place.... 

my Father was a 
unintentional prophet.
Better yet a silent poet
See he just didn’t know it
Thank God for
15 hour shifts 
In yellow cabs
In checkered cabs
In Gold coast cabs
In a city, where it
get’s so windy
One gust could 
your chance
And he tried to take
out his camera
But life is
Moved too damn fast
So he tried 
freeze framing
a smile
But the model
Was a movie 
that loved to
Point and laugh

Somebody’s sick 
Dark Twisted idea 
of a Fantasy
Where what you have 
is not enough
And its the end of the world
To have it rough
So if you play your cards right
You can make it 
To the top
On a hand 
That’s just a bluff
W/ Insult to injury
Just to let you know
They dont give a fucc
They put it in those
Plastic trays
And feed it 
To our children
And offer it as "free lunch"

A true enemy 
rigs the odds
A winner
before he plays, 
We’ve been beaten to the punch, my friends
Before we learned the rules of the game

Reporting live from prison radio, Free Mumia  is all I have to say. You aint ready for the world tomorrow, if you can’t deal with the U.S.A. Today.........

--Life is a cypher, thank you for your eyes

*peace 2 the heart from the heart

1 comment:

  1. I am adding this to my collection of likes
