Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday Note: All The Kings Men

His voice,
with vibration, the husk
and wear
of homilies
in peace
that would soon
find their bottom in the
belly of the beast

See, Niggas just get tired of being tired sometimes...Or just tired of being niggas. And you can imagine the discontent knowing you’re not only a Doctor, but a King. Ahhhhh! The divine impatience of royalty. Such “creative maladjustment”

Trails of ash
Form properly smoked forevers
and Color tomorrow
With a respectable gray
That would make
the even saddest eyes
“Pass dat, doctor....puff, puff y gotta pass dat.”

A heart abundant
shines in prisms of joy
This is
a climb to the highest crown
...You dont wear this
...you just sit there
this Crown
And just as your soul blinked
it was over,
i cant believe you missed it

His echo
a persisting inferno
of passion for compassion
His tempo
A concert of Ghandi hymns
and Jackie Wilson magic
Offering to the Gods
The ones that fell
and never got up
It takes one to know one,
Fallen Gods
Are about as common
as “Dream” speech recitals
So the temperance
shouldn’t have lasted any longer
Just wish we could’ve danced around
your campfire,
....for just a little while longer

1 comment:

  1. ...and another one! My mom and I never use the N word. Yesterday my mom and I were talking and she was telling me about the one thing she heard Jesse Jackson say that just kind of sticks with her which is when he was saying how back in the day Niggas was Rosa Parks, Frederick Douglass, and Martin Luther King, now as "a term of endearment" everybody is calling each other and themselves Niggas.... Thought of that while reading this. 347 days left.
